Sunday, August 18, 2013

The story behide the Greek crisis

Finally the whole political system in Greece, based on the doctrine Mitsotaki. In this "who will remember what happened in 10 years?". Forgotten in less than 10 years. Two to three is enough to forget what happened, who did it and with what arguments the ekane.Simera, the Pillar of the press, there is a protest of the bodies of Northern Greece, repealing the Olympic routes to Thessaloniki. From what it seems, there will be elimination routes and Heraklion next time.

Let us remember then, despite the cynicism of the wise in many Hon, what happened with the Olympic, which was flying around the world, connecting Greece with expatriates and served and social, not economic, needs some entrepreneurs.

The Olympic So like good time ERT and all pieces of Treasury was scrapping privatized by her lover markets and guru of neoliberalism, Kostis Hadjidakis. In common practice, after loading the Olympic favors with them after they flew on the wings of the Citizens ekmaflismo and structured partisan unionism since the overcharges to the perception that the government is their personal brothel, corp of doors green and blue lights of the declared version and started the "consolidation."

Mr Hadjidakis gave for this "consolidation" Olympic to Andreas Vgenopoulos, which made the other wonders of neoliberalism. He took money from a bank and gave them to friends who were entrepreneurs raise equity capital in businesses. The arguments for the sale of Olympic was that the State could not be an entrepreneur. Why the state can not be an entrepreneur while it may be a tax collector or anything, no reply to date no analysis of "antikratiston."

It is certain that the state should not be a bad businessman, to take that money in the world and invests them wrong. For example, the state may take my money to buy trains without lines (to catch the favorite subject of Mr. Hadjidakis) just to get some kickbacks them, or open tunnels in the UCI Mountain paying three times over the cost of contractor.

Briefly nowhere has detected something that connects axiomatically the state with poor entrepreneurship. With this, the connection policies. Or, to put it differently, the "good" businessmen Greek "market" would be doubtful whether there would be without the "bad" state Costis Hadjidakis, Adonis Georgiadis, and all sorts antikratiston.

At this point to note that only the anti-statism of Adonis Georgiadis, who appeared at an event IEK XINI, cursing the Greek universities, randomly went hand in hand with the decision to remove levels of education which takes longer deliver the dear gentleman Xynis private.

While Adonis and his government repeal pieces of public education, that incidentally serves Mr XINI. As uncover HOT DOC and, Mr Xynis is great form of entrepreneurship that admires Adonis and the government. Owes millions to the State closes and opens businesses to avoid debts but retains legal regulation of the same name in family businesses and manages to make arrangements debts to IKA 400 years. In these so the "healthy" Group companies XINI, which I imagine is the opposite of bad government, march Ministers and Prime Ministers, MPs and politician, making quite a lot the dealer.

But back to the Olympics. One of the reasons for privatization was the argument that the free market will lower prices through competition. Just as it was with the gasoline, they said that if released competition will fall as prices, airline tickets not only became more cheap, but the two rival companies have applied to merge. That, Mr Hadjidakis, arguing that they had to abolish the state monopoly, made with diligence a private monopoly that raises much as he wants prices, reduces the services and last and routes.

Because each trader put routes serving an area as it can put some other serving his pocket? Because the entrepreneur to apologize to the needs of the country, the province of the Diaspora?

The logic of Hadjidakis and government simply will do with all the State than it did at the Olympic is not the service of any necessity. The vague wording "for the markets to operate" is nothing other than the transformation of the phrase "to serve the interests."

A classic example is the double-decker buses recently purchased to be tours of central Athens. Having bought and paid, the Ministry decided that the state has prohibited such activity. Market operation, obviously is the right to take anyone who wants to leave a job. In Greece converted to ban anyone who does not get included in their interests.

You will remember in 1992 when given the mobile license, which had been banned by law the right to have the strongest mobile operator in the country, OTE. Thus, private companies used the OTE facilities to develop mobile, but this right is not had for years, he OTE.

Those who today cut the "freedom" of the market, must also be tested and how it is truly free. And I mean clean, must demonstrate how their opinion is ideology and politics rather than identification with interests.

The story behide the Greek crisis - Henry Kissinger at Germany 1983

What had planned Kissinger from 1983 to Greek crisis, deposits and German compensation!

Henry Kissinger during the official visit to Germany (1983)

"In the early 21st century Israel must control all energy deposits of the Eastern Mediterranean. Of the joint only with Turkey should negotiate with the need to give a party. The Arab countries of the Middle East will be busy in internal conflicts. Greece and Cyprus will be ridden routed economic crisis. The only consolation for the Greeks may be the justification for the payment of German reparations since the second world war. In this judicial claim must support them to compromised economic resurgence and prestige, always dangerous for our Germany "

Financial-collaborationist Angelopoulos family

How the black past influences the present and future

The history of the occupation and the postwar years written and reconstructed in the later aspects, became "fashion" nowadays because of the political connotations of treacherous in many memoranda. Widely debated again and many times is bitter. As is the bitter truth.
In the notorious list of "163 economic megalodosilogous who speculated and prospered on holders' second name in the series is that the ancestors of the historic business dynasty perfectly reputable modern successors of the postwar" Halivourgiki "and satellite engaging. "Angelopoulos T. & Sons, Entrepreneurs', reported in the book-documentary released early last year, it created an uproar, despite the refusal of some interrelated kanalarchon to communicate - but public its contents are not disputed by anyone. The author and historian Demosthenes Kakouna, unfolds in a separate chapter, unparalleled feats of economic cooperation Angelopoulos family with the Nazi occupation, 1941-1944.
Always in accordance with those recorded by Mr. Kakouna and has published and columnist unannounced ("The Greek economy during the Occupation and the truth about the occupation loans" is the exact title of the book), pioneer of cooperation Angelopoulos family with German troops was the "Father Familia" Theodoros Angelopoulos.
Shareholders in large family business with the Nazis, according to the above author, was his children, Angelos Angelopoulos (Professor of Finance), Panagiotis and Demetrius, who was murdered in 1986 by the organization "National Road N17." Grandsons and modern successors of the economic "miracle" of the big business culture, Konstantinos Angelopoulos and Theo Angelopoulos (sons of one of the shareholders of Ellinogermaniki occupying cooperation, Panagiotis Angelopoulos). Later followers of progress, the sons of Constantine Angelopoulos, Panagiotis and George Angelopoulos.
In historical documents cited, as "collaborators of German brothers Angelopoulos' mingled in a series of fortifications for the benefit of the German occupation army and among manufactures iron and steel wire for Greek prisoners gathered in camps and execution them.
"It is vital that all these black marketeers. But all the ones who did not hesitate to transact with the occupation authorities, undertaking commissions or structures on their behalf, "writes historian D. Kakouna in" hot capital "with the publication of the list. He continues: "At a time when other colleagues were hungry and dystychousan that literally had nothing to feed their families, who could not keep their businesses or for reasons of principle not prepared to practice their profession under these conditions, people they rushed with eagerness to serve the conqueror as νεροκουβαλητές.Εμπορεύτηκαν misery of our people that critical hour. Basically there are "smart" that managed to stay afloat. Dishonesty and are dishonest in that hour of misery last resort not only indifferent to their neighbor who was looking in the trash for a bite, but took away from the scrawny Sarkis the minimum drop of blood had apomeinei.Den shape is sensationalism. We must realize that by the time that phase destruction and dissolution, the conqueror assigned to some elect the supplies needed and building fortifications and other works considered necessary. When talking about supplies, we mean all production processes, because the Conqueror (citing fact and international law) had to feed and xenisthei the conquered land. The logistics of the Occupation Authorities believed the suppliers invoice (usually overpriced) and signed in order to present them for payment to the Bank of Greece.


Angelopoulos - Simitis: The evolution of the lowest

The Greek nation behind the thousands of heroes of the resistance, he saw his guts eaten by a caste people the term "traitor" would rather flattering.

Together with the countless heroes who raised the Greek Sustainable Earth, there were odious forms that marked forever the history of the Nation. As other pests in a wondrous garden, gained momentum in twilight while generations of Greeks looked when hordes of alien invaders, devouring the root of the tree that was to germinate the continuation of the story.
The history of the occupation and the National Resistance should be an essential part of education for future generations. The current tragedy experienced by the Greek people leaves no room for misinterpretation: History does not repeat itself just like farce, but the roles of collaborators acting on the side of the conquerors is plucked right from that dark period of Greek history. Some analysts, like Demosthenes Kakouna goes one step further by identifying the timelessness of betrayal with specific castes people a thorough investigation identifies even faces.
A bona fide researcher could reasonably be baffled: How could a people who paid the heaviest price in blood across Europe to tolerate players that black period to culminating decades after the economic and political life of the country serving exactly the same interests? How possible after Nuremberg, the Greece claiming even the occupation loan and compensation, while becoming prey to economic enslavement of the same foreign oppressors?
There is one possible explanation. Excessive fraudulence Greek speaking "collaborators" of the conqueror, who foreseeing the fall of the Reich spent time in the opponent's camp in order not only to save, but also to maintain their acquired. The achievements of horror on the blood of Greek heroes, anavaptizontas overnight cooperation with the occupiers as "resistance movement."
We saw in a previous article the approach known writer for the ancestor of the famous family Angelopoulos, historical business dynasty perfectly reputable modern successors of the postwar "Halivourgiki" and satellite pursuits where their collaborating with the German occupiers. In historical documents cited, as "collaborators of German brothers Angelopoulos' mingled in a series of fortifications for the benefit of the German occupation army and among manufactures iron and steel wire for Greek prisoners gathered in camps and execution them.
Special mention in the book that captures the investigation of Mr. Demosthenes Kakouna, becomes for George Simitis, father of the "progressive" Prime Minister Costas Simitis. Father Semite according to the author, he was a partner and "darling" of the leader of the Greeks Nazi George Mercouri, who took over occupation governor of the National Bank. He Georgios Simitis, was appointed senior executive at Commercial bank, they left after the death of Nazi mentor! High bank posts that is, incidentally at the time was the great robbery 'possession loan.' Robbery still remains unpunished, and the consequences of living today to the fullest.
And yet, so Angelopoulos and Simitis, appearing in 1944 as "resisters" a recital of oblivion over the occupation genocide of the Greek people by the hundreds of thousands of deaths from starvation and torture. The tragic winter of '42 - 43, when these "resisters" enjoyed the assessment of the occupying forces ...
The explanation is obvious: When the fall of the Reich became visible, many associates were quick to change sides so placed, for the next day. This leads to the conclusion that there is a heinous nature of the "convinced" partner, as was stated Nazis George Mercouri. The Collaborator reward.
The historical impunity and the provocative continuation of pro-German policy by people like Kostas Simitis, should trouble. The solution for the continuation of these distortions should be the only appropriate remedy: the popular awakening, historical knowledge, which is the only one that can fight and demolish the Drakogenia (as he and N. Gatsos in cognate poem ...).
