Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The disaster of the Americal External Diplomacy

Barack Obama tonight (9/10/13) will address address to the American nation on the subject of Syria and the policy of Washington toward Damascus as the Russian proposal to impose international control over the Syrian chemical arsenal gave another twist to the political- diplomatic race last days.

"This may be an important development ," he said in interviews he gave in 6 U.S. television networks last night , adopting a more compromise tone , Barack Obama, who , faced with an American public opinion hostile to choice of military action against the regime in Damascus , called to reshape the heart of politics in Washington in the Syrian case as not to jeopardize the credibility of both American foreign policy and the same of his presidency.

Acknowledging that it is in a difficult position against the Congress of which has requested the green light for a military operation , Barack Obama said that the latest developments are the result of threats Washington's military strikes . When asked about the possibility of " interruption" of preparations for a military operation against Damascus if imposed control over the Syrian chemical arsenal , he replied that "if this happens , it is quite likely ."

However, he warned that they should not be given carte blanche to the Syrian government : "We remain cautious because we have not seen it work that way for the last two years," he said. Speaking from the White House, which was invited to support the choice of the military operation , the popular , Hillary Clinton, hailed as a positive development the 'proposal' in Russia, but urged President Barack Obama not to relax the pressure on the regime of Damascus , warning that there will be no excuse for further delays and snags .

Paris announced that the Russian proposal deserves " screening " with Foreign Minister of France calls for ' clear , rapid and verifiable " commitments by the regime in Damascus. German Chancellor Angela Merkel called it " interesting" the Russian proposal . The Russian Foreign Minister intervened yesterday unannounced developments announcing that he had proposed to the Syrian regime imposing international control over the chemical arsenal and its destruction. Syria rushed to " welcome " the Russian proposal , by Foreign Minister Walid Muallem , without further details.

The UN secretary general , Ban Ki -moon proposed by the side of the buffer zones in Syria , which remain under the control of the United Nations where they can gather and destroy chemical weapons. Speaking of " troublesome paralysis" of the Security Council , said that " considering the possibility " to call for the urgent convening of to deal with the proposal.

Obama is now trapped in a vortex that does not lead anywhere, wanting to find a way out because the war will not drive nowhere, will based on the plan mentioned in previous Post ...http://ltsiorak.blogspot.gr/2013/02/full-speed-ahead-for-russian-american.html

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