Sunday, August 18, 2013

Financial-collaborationist Angelopoulos family

How the black past influences the present and future

The history of the occupation and the postwar years written and reconstructed in the later aspects, became "fashion" nowadays because of the political connotations of treacherous in many memoranda. Widely debated again and many times is bitter. As is the bitter truth.
In the notorious list of "163 economic megalodosilogous who speculated and prospered on holders' second name in the series is that the ancestors of the historic business dynasty perfectly reputable modern successors of the postwar" Halivourgiki "and satellite engaging. "Angelopoulos T. & Sons, Entrepreneurs', reported in the book-documentary released early last year, it created an uproar, despite the refusal of some interrelated kanalarchon to communicate - but public its contents are not disputed by anyone. The author and historian Demosthenes Kakouna, unfolds in a separate chapter, unparalleled feats of economic cooperation Angelopoulos family with the Nazi occupation, 1941-1944.
Always in accordance with those recorded by Mr. Kakouna and has published and columnist unannounced ("The Greek economy during the Occupation and the truth about the occupation loans" is the exact title of the book), pioneer of cooperation Angelopoulos family with German troops was the "Father Familia" Theodoros Angelopoulos.
Shareholders in large family business with the Nazis, according to the above author, was his children, Angelos Angelopoulos (Professor of Finance), Panagiotis and Demetrius, who was murdered in 1986 by the organization "National Road N17." Grandsons and modern successors of the economic "miracle" of the big business culture, Konstantinos Angelopoulos and Theo Angelopoulos (sons of one of the shareholders of Ellinogermaniki occupying cooperation, Panagiotis Angelopoulos). Later followers of progress, the sons of Constantine Angelopoulos, Panagiotis and George Angelopoulos.
In historical documents cited, as "collaborators of German brothers Angelopoulos' mingled in a series of fortifications for the benefit of the German occupation army and among manufactures iron and steel wire for Greek prisoners gathered in camps and execution them.
"It is vital that all these black marketeers. But all the ones who did not hesitate to transact with the occupation authorities, undertaking commissions or structures on their behalf, "writes historian D. Kakouna in" hot capital "with the publication of the list. He continues: "At a time when other colleagues were hungry and dystychousan that literally had nothing to feed their families, who could not keep their businesses or for reasons of principle not prepared to practice their profession under these conditions, people they rushed with eagerness to serve the conqueror as νεροκουβαλητές.Εμπορεύτηκαν misery of our people that critical hour. Basically there are "smart" that managed to stay afloat. Dishonesty and are dishonest in that hour of misery last resort not only indifferent to their neighbor who was looking in the trash for a bite, but took away from the scrawny Sarkis the minimum drop of blood had apomeinei.Den shape is sensationalism. We must realize that by the time that phase destruction and dissolution, the conqueror assigned to some elect the supplies needed and building fortifications and other works considered necessary. When talking about supplies, we mean all production processes, because the Conqueror (citing fact and international law) had to feed and xenisthei the conquered land. The logistics of the Occupation Authorities believed the suppliers invoice (usually overpriced) and signed in order to present them for payment to the Bank of Greece.


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