The 50 caliber depleted uranium shells that the American government has been trying to implement in their military operations for the past seventy years are highly dangerous.
Depleted uranium as it stands has a high level of toxicity, is radioactive and can adversely affect people.
The American military however, is remarkably fond of these effective armor piercing rounds.
Depleted Uranium, when crafted into the tip of a bullet or tank round will not mushroom or splatter on impact.
Instead the shell will shear off parts of the heavy metal casing, making it sharper, and cause the shell to completely pierce the target, be it an enemy tank or land vehicle.
The government has advocated the use of this heavy metal and purposefully ignored the toxic warnings that come with it.
This is because the shadow government wants their ammunition to kill the maximum amount of people and if this means poisoning them after the war has ended - then so be it.
Depleted uranium, when in contact with humans causes a multitude of cancers, diabetes, breathing problems, blindness, deformity in children and mental illness.
One of the greatest examples of depleted uranium poisoning was during the Gulf war.
These 50 caliber bullets are able to do a massive amount of damage. So much in fact, that the use of such ammunition is illegal. Depleted uranium shells are nothing more than nuclear weapons. They cause the same amount of damage as a warhead, just on a smaller scale.
Take for example the toxicity of a bullet. This bullet will impact on a target and remain mostly intact, falling to the ground for people to pick up or for children to play with. This heavy metal is extremely harmful to our health.
On impact this bullet gives off a fine radioactive dust that when ingested can cause all of the illnesses mentioned above. This is chemical warfare and it has been conducted illegally by the United States government in their bid to depopulate the earth.